What is Buddhist Yoga?
Embracing change: a new perspective on the body
In today's society, the emphasis on physical appearance is undeniable. We're bombarded with messages about looking good, being fit, and striving for an ideal body image. This obsession with outer…
Walk Slowly, by Danna Faulds
It only takes a reminder to breathe,
a moment to be still, and just like that,
something in me settles, softens,
makes space for imperfection.
The harsh voice of judgment drops to a whisper
and I remember again that life isn’t a relay…
The Quest for Mindfulness – MEETING YOUR EDGE
What does it mean to meet your edge? How do you know when you have met your edge? When you finally meet your edge, what do you do?
I will take you on a small detour and return to these questions, with answers that have surfaced recently during…
The Quest for Mindfulness: The Art of Being Mindful Seaweed
I forgot to wear my contacts to class. What does that mean? It means that I can either rock my giant Woody Allen-esque glasses and enjoy them slipping off my face every time I’m in downward facing dog or I accept that its blind yoga for today.…
The Quest for Mindfulness – BOOBS
Tatjana says.
I... C…C..Can’t
I squeeze out. “Deep breaths in and out” she repeats. Seriously, I am suffocating over here. I’m in a shoulder stand and my boobs are cutting off my airways as they flatten my larynx.…
The Quest for Mindfulness: FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE
Like any quest I am in search of something. At times the thing I seek is clear, but most times it is nebulous. The thing I search for ‘the present moment’ is an elusive creature. I see it hiding in shadows, but most times I feel like…
The Quest for Mindfulness Berlin – CALIFORNIA DREAMING
I’m staring at my laptop and there’s nothing. I can’t write a single word. I could put it down to writers block but that’s just not true. The whole week I have been songwriting, writing a short story for my writers group, hell I’m…
The Quest for Mindfulness: CLICK, CLICK, CLICK
I sometimes forget when I head to yoga practice on Thursdays after work that I am not just rushing to do my asanas but to understand my mind a bit more. I sometimes struggle with breath-focused seated meditation, so it was a welcome…
The Quest for Mindfulness – Upside down and inside out
I love being upside down. I love love love it. Ask anyone who knows me well enough, I love doing things backwards and inverted - why? I have no clue, I just think its fun - perhaps I was a bat in previous life as I like Ask anyone who knows…
The quest for mindfulness: Return to your breath
Thursday came and with it my very first official Dynamic Yoga class with Tatjana. I was strangely nervous, wondering if I was going to suck or not. Intellectually I know yoga practice is not about being good or bad and more a case of being…
The quest for mindfulness – The Journey Begins!
One of the most challenging things, I imagine I am not alone in this, is being mindful and present. Being in the now has been my Everest of sorts for as long as I can remember. My mind is like a version of mental ping-pong - ping past-pong…
zen yoga beginner guide
Thinking about starting with yoga classes in Berlin? Here are few things you should know to enhance your experience of yoga. I'm glad you're here. Thanks!
PLEASE: Arrive at least 10 minutes early to accommodate
Wear comfortable clothes…
Pre Yoga Pick-me-ups – Healthy snacks before yoga
by Zen Yogini Kyra While it's not usually advisable to be in a state of digestion while practicing yoga, if we are distracted by our stomach growling it can take away from our ability to focus and enjoy the practice. Personally, if it's…