Tag Archive for: english yoga in Kreuzberg


Categories of Yoga Asanas (Part II)

Twists, Hip Openers, Backbends, Forward Bends and Inversions In the first part of this post about the categories of yoga asanas, or postures, we looked deeper into Standing and Balancing Asanas. In this post, we'll continue with an overview…
ancestral body

Body Maps – Ancestral Body

Saturday, November 18th at 11 AM - 1:30 PM With Tatjana Mesar, Buddhist yoga and meditation teacher, shiatsu therapist and a musician. Our ancestral body is created from family believes, messages and stories about the body and the…
breath in dynamic mindfulness yoga

Breath Practice in Dynamic Mindfulness Yoga

Breath is our most intimate connection with life. It enters us when we’re born and it leaves us when we die. It’s a constant exchange between the inner and outer spaces. It is a simple yet powerful demonstration of how deeply interdependent…
body positive yoga

The Quest for Mindfulness – BOOBS

Breathe. Tatjana says. I... C…C..Can’t I squeeze out. “Deep breaths in and out” she repeats. Seriously, I am suffocating over here. I’m in a shoulder stand and my boobs are cutting off my airways as they flatten my larynx.…
The Quest for Mindfulness
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The Quest for Mindfulness – Upside down and inside out

I love being upside down. I love love love it. Ask anyone who knows me well enough, I love doing things backwards and inverted - why? I have no clue, I just think its fun - perhaps I was a bat in previous life as I like Ask anyone who knows…