Dynamic Mindfulness Core Values
Dynamic Mindfulness is rooted in Zen (Chan) Buddhist wisdom, ethics and methodology and supported by the latest scientific research on mindfulness.
Mindfulness meditation is in the heart of our practice.
Yoga practice does not happen solely on the mat. It touches all areas of our lives, including our relationships with the people around us. No one is unwelcome or judged in our community; everyone is treated with love and acceptance. All body shapes are welcome. All sexual orientations are welcome. All abilities are welcome.
Our yoga teacher training is a team process; trainees are encouraged to offer support and ideas to other students. Spirited debate about ideas or concepts is great, personal attacks are not.
We believe in order to practice Yoga authentically we need to understand ancient teachings in the context of contemporary culture and to inquire, understand and appreciate where we come from.
Emulating Eastern traditions without critical thinking can lead to a ‘misaligned’ identity and cultural appropriations.
Our teaching relies on scientific research. We steer clear of New Age, esotericism, hearsay and personality cults.
Dynamic Mindfulness teachers teach evidence based movement informed by biomechanical principles of how our bodies move and how our nervous system processes movement. This approach to yoga practice that can be applied to any tradition and it intelligently expresses mindfulness in motion.
Yoga happens in the experience of the yoga poses, and not only in ‘form’. Even more, how we transition into a pose determines the quality of our experience once we are there. The process is the goal!
We teach people, not customers. Our classes, workshops and training have been carefully crafted for small groups to ensure a quality learning environment.