What graduates say about our yoga instructor course:

I am certain, I would not benefit from the traditional asana learning as much as I did from the online one. Thanks to the video lexicon of Dynamic Mindfulness poses, I had the possibility to study a single asana over and over again, pausing the video when I needed to, taking notes, and practicing. This was coupled with Tatjana’s precise, gentle, and natural adjustments on Zoom, peer-to-peer feedback in the breakout rooms.
Time management and what in self-development Western culture is sometimes called “motivation” was always hard for me and the Corona crisis disrupted my plans to be regularly guided by the group and teachers in the studio. At first, I was a bit confused and afraid of switching online but thanks to Tatjana’s guidelines on setting personal meditation routine, regular weekly classes on Zoom, as well as homework and additional Saturday meetings, I got immersed in the regular and truly personal practice.

I am super happy I introduced meditation and restorative yoga into my own practice…Before starting the training , I thought I was not quite ready to do it- I suffered from anxiety, I felt broken, and wasn’t sure if I was “good enough”… It’s good the program is around 10 months: a really nice experience with sufficient time for the transformation to happen. In life I am much more peaceful, patient… for a foundational yoga instructor course, it was excellent.

Dynamic Mindfulness is one of the best yoga teacher trainings and schools in Berlin. Tatjana Mesar, the founder and a straight forward teacher and person, continuously practiced what she was preaching. She tried to never push her own agenda down the students’ throats.
The whole thing was and still is my journey, my own path. The “only” thing I’ve got is this great method: Dynamic Mindfulness! Based on Tatjana’s profound knowledge and a long-term practice of yoga and Buddhism. Both, clearly communicated. It is a meditation based training with a lot of body work and I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone. Yes, simple as that: TO ANYONE!

I hesitated joining the training in case I was not advanced enough.
I feel more confident now, with knowledge about the principles of teaching, anatomy, injuries and the business of Yoga. I am starting to believe I can actually teach Yoga! It all seems so do-able.
I liked the non-judgemental approach to Yoga and the support I got especially regarding teaching skills, presenting and demonstrating. The food was good and the surroundings were just perfect.
This yoga instructor course was fun and I really enjoyed it. I would recommend it for all the reasons listed above as well as for the location.
Keep up the good work! I could do it again :-)

The training has been a deep journey of getting back to what is really essential in life for me. I absolutely loved the focus on philosophy – it set in motion a deep journey of reflecting, inquiring, and wondering. What Yoga is essentially? What it is about?
I find the Buddhist aspect very relevant and this to me feels like a powerful, important basis. In the teachings I could see, feel and notice the devotion, passion and wisdom in both Tatjana and Anya, which I find very inspiring.
I would definitely recommend Dynamic Mindfulness yoga instructor course. It provides a well-rounded, holistic, firm basis to start from for everyone who is sincerely interested in Yoga as a lifestyle and practice. It is inspirational and I’ve learned so much. I really feel that I can start applying this in my life in many ways.

I had to decide to leave my job for this – which brings uncertainty and financial constraint. Do I want to become a teacher now, or should I wait? Is it the right ‘style’ for me?
On our very first day we had to think of 3 things that we would like to accomplish. I thought of
1. to have less fear in stepping out there and teaching
2. to get the feeling that I have the potential to become a respected teacher
3. to have fun in teaching.
Each of these points has been touched upon and improved. Moreover, I feel more at ease with the spiritual path that I’m on right now.
YES! I would recommend this yoga instructor course. It is not just a valuable experience when you want to become a teacher, but an asset for life, if you have a solid interest in the content. Even alongside the set curriculum, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself, others and daily life.
I feel truly inspired and excited to continue this journey, and I’m very thankful for that.

I am much more aware of my own physical alignment within the poses and how the individual asanas weave together to create an engaging and well-balanced class. The training also came at a good time for me in terms of my personal development, and has fueled my desire to travel and continue to have unique and challenging experiences.
My main hesitations were related to finding employment in NY after completing a yoga instructor course abroad from a program that likely won’t be recognized by a lot of studios there. In the end, I decided that the experience of the training itself was more important than trying to network for jobs and I was confident that I could be resourceful in finding a way to teach once I was certified and returned back home.
I really appreciate how much individual attention and one-on-one feedback I received due to the small teaching group size. I most enjoyed learning how to cue asana alignment and creating interesting and balanced sequences. I also liked how much time we took over hands-on adjustments.
I would recommend the training to those looking to explore the energetic and spiritual elements of the practice and its ties to Buddhism and meditation.

I was a bit nervous about starting the training it meant leaving the comfortable life that I had – job, friends, grounding, world – and moving from London to Berlin. This yoga instructor course was a step out of the “comfort zone”, a challenge and an adventure into “spirituality”, which I was seeking for a long time… The topics of mindfulness and meditation were quite new to me when I started the training. They have had a huge positive impact on me and my world… I am now finding a balance between the true extrovert that I am and spending time with myself… I think everyone would benefit from this knowledge about mindfulness and the way it was delivered: structure, content, people, place, time, etc.

I liked the group spirit and the effort that everyone put into it without forgetting to have fun and share laughter. The schedule (although intensive) balanced well theory and practice and also integrated other teachers into the program.
I would recommend the training to those who are willing to dive intensively into the subject material and may also have been practicing seated meditation several times.
Thank you for all the effort you put into Dynamic Mindfulness yoga instructor course. For the good spirit, even though we were all tired at times, and for having an open ear during personal talk time. That was very valuable!

I only hesitated to join the yoga instructor course because I wasn’t sure if it was the right style of yoga for me since before I was practicing other styles…. The journey was my favorite part, as it was a process to me. I could really see how I was changing every month – enormous changes! In my practice the biggest change is that I don’t focus only on the final posture but on the movement – it’s more pleasant and beneficial. And in life a lot: calming mind through meditation, accepting things as they are, finding time for myself, believing in my strength.

Before applying for the yoga instructor course, I was wandering: Can I do this? Should I? Am I strong enough? Flexible enough? Able to commit? But I followed my curiosity and desire to learn and signed up for the course; it has turned into one of the most deeply nourishing decisions of my life.
YTT has had some profound effects on the way I engage the daily. It has aided a sense of presence, and awareness of the spaces I move through in a given moment. Yoga has become a loyal companion, a space to return to when feeling off center. A reminder that “The process is the goal”.
Meditation and yoga literally change the brain which in turn affects everything! Training has provided a space to be a part of a community, to meet wonderful similar-minded people, all of whom contribute in some way to the learning process.
I would recommend this course to any person with an interest in body, mind and the union of the two, merging with the greater all.

This yoga instructor course began during a transaction period in my life and it took me a step forward. I am much more aware of myself and of my body’s needs now and I’ve learned to be patient and to enjoy small things in life. During the training it became a philosophy of life.
Training also helped me to understand the value of community and being a part of something bigger.
At the moment, I teach one private lesson per week and I hope to start another class in the next few months. I definitely want yoga to be a part of my professional life.

At first I was hesitant about whether I had enough time for the course since I was also doing a PhD. Throughout the course, I enjoyed getting to know other crazy yoginis and got to understand the practice more deeply; I began to see yoga sequences differently – connecting the dots and understanding a yoga class in more holistic way. Knowing the reasons behind the practice in addition to the experience of the practice added a new layer and gave me more confidence in my relationship with yoga. I would recommend this yoga instructor course for anyone who feels connected to the Zen approach and has sufficient time for practice and study.