
Online Tutorials: Warm-Up

The cornerstone of the Dynamic Mindfulness method is a contemporary fusion of holistic asana flow and Buddhist mindfulness meditation. The approach to sequencing is a carefully crafted blend that incorporates:

  • The vigor of sequenced asana flow
  • Holistic movement from the core body, also called ‘hara’ in Japanese – moving in waves rather than linearly
  • Dynamic repetition, or ‘pulsations’ in an individual asana – balancing effort and ease
  • The idea that the practice should be individualized through variations and modifications of poses
  • Sufficient time to fully relax and/or sit in meditation at the end of the class

This warm-up sequence is designed to stretch neck and shoulders and to connect the movement to the breath. It is a simple way to connect the mind and body and bring the awareness to the present moment at the beginning of the class. This gentle flow is leading to the Sun Salutation.

Dynamic Mindfulness Warm-Up Sequence