Dynamic Mindfulness Sun Salutations
The cornerstone of the Dynamic Mindfulness method is a contemporary fusion of holistic asana flow and Buddhist mindfulness meditation. The approach to sequencing is a carefully crafted blend that incorporates:
- The vigor of sequenced asana flow
- Holistic movement from the core body, also called ‘hara’ in Japanese – moving in waves rather than linearly
- Dynamic repetition, or ‘pulsations’ in an individual asana – balancing effort and ease
- The idea that the practice should be individualized through variations and modifications of poses
- Sufficient time to fully relax and/or sit in meditation at the end of the class
We use Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation and its variations as the main reference frame, alongside Hero Salutation and the Eight-Form Moving Meditation. Once you understand this method, you will be able to experience and teach it in different environments.
Sun Salutation 1
Suitable for warm up and beginners
Start standing at the front of your mat, feet hip-width apart (Tadasana),
Palms to heart, inhale – arms wave up into Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)
exhale – Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
inhale – Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)
exhale – Standing Forward bend (Uttanasana)
inhale – walk the feet back
exhale – Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
inhale – lower the knees down, open the chest into Cow Pose
exhale – sit on the heels into Child Pose
inhale – Cow Pose
exhale – Downward Facing Dog
inhale – step forward into Half Forward Bend
exhale – Standing Forward Bend
inhale – wave up in to Upward Salute
exhale – Tadasana – Palms to heart
Sun Salutation 2
A more refined transitioning through the Wave. This variation is suitable for more experienced practitioners.
Start standing at the front of your mat, feet hip-width apart (Tadasana),
Palms to heart, inhale – arms wave up into Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)
exhale – Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
inhale – Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)
exhale – Standing Forward bend (Uttanasana)
inhale – into Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
exhale – wave into Plank
inhale – knees down and then heart forward
exhale – lover down in half stick
inhale – transition into Baby Cobra
exhale – relase, forhead to the ground
inhale – Baby Cobra or full Cobra
exhale – Downward Dog
inhale – step forward into Half Forward Bend
exhale – Standing Forward Bend
inhale – wave up into Upward Salute
exhale – Tadasana – Palms to heart