
Online Tutorials: WATER Sequence

Dynamic Mindfulness Water Sequence works with facia, our connective tissue network and with soft tissues in the body through rolling, bouncing and pulsing. Biomechanics and biotensegrity translated in fluidity, cohesion and softness.

With Tatjana Mesar, a senior yoga teacher and a creator of Dynamic Mindfulness.

Dynamic Mindfulness WATER Sequence

General guidelines: tune into the natural breath pace and let the breath guide the movement. Keep softening the root of the tongue and the face. Gaze is soft, with eyes half opened you are aware of the space around, but the attention is turned inwards.

IN – inhale

EX – exhale

Laying down on the ground with arms above the head:-) Face soft, lower jaw relaxed, the root of the tongue soft, gaze soft.
Yawning IN,  lengthening through legs and arms
EX release
x 3
Staying still for 5 -7 breaths

Reversed Lizard
Actively on the EX:  lateral flexion to the right, with right elbow and knee coming closer together
Passively on the IN:  release back into the Starfish, allowing the head to swing left-right
X 3, waiting for the breath to guide the movement
Repeat on the L

From Reversed Lizard on the IN actively reach with the left hand about the head toward the right upper corner (the rest of the body stays relaxed) and on the EX curl in to the right.
On the IN lengthen through left arm and leg
On the EX drop back into Starfish
IN in Starfish, face soft, lower jaw relaxed, the root of the tongue soft, gaze soft.
X 3
Repeat on the L

From Curl on the right, press the left palm into the floor and softly pulse there, experiencing the ground reaction force up the soft tissue of the inner arm into the armpit. Breathing through the nostrils, natural breath pace.
On the EX press into the left palm, and rolling over the right forearm (landing surface), come up to sit. Head comes last, face soft, lower jaw relaxed, the root of the tongue soft, gaze soft.
IN in sitting
On the EX roll over the right forearm, controlling the landing with left palm and curl into the right again
On the IN stay in Curl
X 3
Transition back to Starfish
Repeat on the L

Jelly-Fish Down Dog
From sitting on the R, place both palms on the ground and explore the options for fluid movement for 5 -7 breaths
Slow down, on the EX soften the elbows, press firmly into to ground through the palms,  into the R thigh and shin, tuck the toes of the R foot and come up to Down Dog
Wave in Jelly Fish Dog for 5 breaths
ON the IN lift the L leg up
On the EX back to the curl
On the EX drop back into Starfish
IN in Starfish, face soft, lower jaw relaxed, the root of the tongue soft, gaze soft.
Repeat to the L
X 3

Upward Salute
From Down Dog, pedal in place and walk the palm to the feet. Natural breath pace
On the EX wave yourself up
On the IN lift the elbows and reach through the arms above the head
On the EX flow back into Standing Forward Fold.
On the IN walk the palms into the Down Dog

Watch more Dynamic Mindfulness online tutorials here.

About Dynamic Mindfulness method

The cornerstone of the Dynamic Mindfulness method is a contemporary fusion of holistic asana flow and Buddhist mindfulness meditation. The approach to sequencing is a carefully crafted blend that incorporates:

  • The vigor of sequenced asana flow
  • Holistic movement from the core body, also called ‘hara’ in Japanese – moving in waves rather than linearly
  • Dynamic repetition, or ‘pulsations’ in an individual asana – balancing effort and ease
  • The idea that the practice should be individualized through variations and modifications of poses
  • Sufficient time to fully relax and/or sit in meditation at the end of the class

Read Dynamic Mindfulness Core Values to learn more about our method.