Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers: Poetry of Body and Mind
Clarify your path as a progressive yoga teacher
September 28th – October 4th, 2019 from 9:00 till 17:30
at Zen Yoga By Dynamic Mindfulness Studio
‘Poetry of Body and Mind’ is 50-hour teacher training module, a part of Dynamic Mindfulness 300-hour yoga teacher training that can be taken separately as continuing education for yoga teachers.
- Learn latest topics in mindful assisting
- explore different approaches to mind-body awareness and sensitivity to the energetic body
- practice DM signature sequences
- gain a deeper understanding of Buddhist psychology and meditation and know how to apply it in both your personal life and in your teaching
- know how to navigate contemporary body pedagogics and body politics.
Training is in English.
Early Bird Price 1000 Euros, valid till August 1st
Regular Tuition: 1200 Euros
Payment plan available upon request.
*‘Poetry of Body and Mind’ training does not lead to an Advanced Level Certification.
A state-sponsored stipend of 500 EUR (Bildungprämie) is available for this training module.
You can also apply for paid holidays (Bildungsulraub).
Daily Schedule Monday to Friday
09:00 – 10:00 Meditation
9:15 – 10:45 Movement Lab: Dynamic Mindfulness core sequences: EARTH, WATER, FIRE and AIR.
11:00 – 12:30 Theoretical Session
- Ideokinesis and how to translate biomechanics into the poetry of movement.
- What is energy and how to work with it?
- Science of Empathy and Setting Boundaries.
12:30 – 14:00 lunch break
14:00 – 17:30 Lectures on Buddhism with David Listen
- Three Dharma Seals
- Buddhist Analysis and Modern Psychology: 5 Skandhas, Consciousness and Karma
- Perspectives on Mindfulness – from Sattipatana Sutra to Harvard Medical School
- Four Brahma Viharas: Loving Kindness, Patience and Sympathetic Joy, and Equanimity
- Chan Buddhism
Weekend seminar:
Mindful Assisting Training with Tatjana Mesar
In this weekend training, Tatjana will guide you through the latest topics and practices of hands-on assisting that are consent-based and trauma-sensitive. Click here for the detailed program.
Reading to complete before this module:
- Thich Nhat Hanh: Understanding Our Mind